Nerd Nite Louisville
Happy hour at 5
Opening ceremony at 7:15
First presentation at 7:30
Ends somewhere around 9
Gravely Brewing Co
514 Baxter Ave
*Presentation #1
“Lex Luthor Was Right – In Defence of Superman’s Arch Enemy” by Bentley McBentleson
Description: While the rest of humanity has grown to rely this “Superman”, Lex Luthor understands that the world has been invaded by an alien being with super strength, flight, and x-ray vision. For 20 minutes we’ll explore the motivations behind one of the most well known arch nemesis and you will leave questioning who the real man of steel is.
Bio: Bentley is an avid reader of comicbooks and has way too much time on his hands.
*Presentation #2
“Look Good Naked” by Dan Elby Bounnavong
Description: Why do we workout? Answering that question and touching base about some juicy topics with a local fitness professional.
Bio: Dan Bounnavong is an ex-UK Cheerleader, Army Veteran, Coach and Co-Owner of CrossFit Covalence.
*Presentation #3
“Math as Art and Art as Math” by Professor Jake Wildstrom
Description: Mathematics has served as a tool for representational art and even as a subject of art, featured by visionaries ranging from M.C. Escher to Jorge Luis Borges. Art can also inform the way we view mathematics, with aesthetic considerations making math more comprehensible. Artists, mathematicians, and educators have devoted significant effort to exploring the boundaries between these disciplines, with promising and often beautiful results.
Bio: Jake Wildstrom has been a mathematics professor at the University of Louisville since 2007, studying mathematical properties of communication and transportation systems. In his free time he plays board games, crochets, brews beer, and repairs mechanical calculators