Nerd Nite Louisville April 26th 2018
Happy hour at 5
Opening ceremony at 7:15
First presentation at 7:30
Gravely Brewing Co
514 Baxter Ave
*Presentation #1
Barrel Proctology 101 – If you seen one bunghole, you’ve seen them all by Noah Streingraber
Description: Some awesome stuff involving bourbon barrels
Noah hails from the “Mile High City,” AKA Denver, Colorado. And sorry, but no he didn’t bring any “jazz cabbage” or “Devil’s lettuce” with him because that is called “illegal drug trafficking.” He is a self-proclaimed beer connoisseur and barrel expert wannabe. Why did he move from CO to Louisville, KY? (Everyone asks this in a concerned, sad tone for some reason) — Bourbon brought him here. Noah slings barrels for Kentucky Bourbon Barrel, a full-service, used barrel cooperage here in Louisville, KY. He is a trader of sorts, but instead of investment stocks Noah deals in bourbon barrels. Like a nice, altruistic version of Gordon Gecko (ie “Wall Street” reference) that partners with and supports global beverage producers.
*Presentation #2
Why I Love Climbing by Reese Garza
Description: Realizing what you love by minimizing
Reese is a 22 year old traveler, writer, climber, and (to fund all of that) server/bartender.
*Presentation #3
The Science of Shooting the $h17 by Dave Bell
Description: We are often put in social situations either for business or pleasure, and forced into the realm of small talk. we will look at tips to make these situations a more pleasant and useful experience for you and those you come in contact with. hear from an introvert on making the most of being social even when you don’t feel like it
Dave is an introvert who plays the part of an extrovert at work on a daily basis. He has a long career in the non-profit world starting as a summer camp counselor. He presently serves as the Senior Manager of Philanthropy with the Kentucky Science Center and gets paid to go to Happy Hours (which he sometimes does not want to attend).