March 29th 2018
Happy hour at 5
Opening ceremony at 7:15
First presentation at 7:30
Gravely Brewing Co
514 Baxter Ave
*Presentation #1
Drop The Baseline: Music & Type In Harmony by Cat Braithwaite
Description: Serifs, Dropcaps and Rock ‘n’ Roll. Music has the power to move us – and often inspired great art such as the typeface. Both share similar concepts such as rhythm, syncopation, dissonance and harmony. In this talk, we’ll discuss the psychology behind branding music genres, kinetic typography, and music’s influence in modern design language.
Cat Braithwaite is a musically-trained west Texan, art director, social media manager and photographer at Copper & Kings American Brandy. Cat prides herself on her extensive pun mastery and superhuman abilities of identifying various typefaces.
*Presentation #2
Kids, Trauma, and Mental Health: Nerding out on the welfare of children in our community by Micah Jorrisch
Description: Dude, what’s wrong with kids these days?! What if I could connect the dots between what many consider to be the greatest epidemic impacting American children today and the socioeconomic, health, and general wellbeing of our community? Let’s dive into the data and talk about children and why it should be personally important for all of us to care about their wellbeing.
Micah Jorrisch is the Director of External Relations for Family & Children’s Place, an organization dedicated to ensuring the wellbeing and safety of every child and family in the Louisville community.
*Presentation #3
The Language of Online Dating by Bentley McBentleson
Description: Online dating is the best. And the worst. But why does it have to be that way? Knowing the right words to say in your dating profile—and knowing which words to avoid—can make all the difference and increase your chances of finding that special connection. You may think you know what to say to best represent yourself to the online dating world – but our research reveals a few things you’ll want to consider before hitting that first keystroke.
Bentley McBentleson is a digital marketer, Colonel Sanders historian, and all around alright guy @mcbentleson